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Company in the News | Company highlights | About coffee
St. Ives Coffee Roasters, Inc. began as a small coffee house in Northeast Georgia

St. Ives Coffee Roasters, Inc. began as a small coffee house in Northeast Georgia. At the heart of the coffee house is a Diedrich Roaster that is capable of roasting 25lbs of coffee in 20 minutes. By roasting our own coffee, and buying coffees from some of the finest farms from around the world, we ensured that our coffee was second to none.

Our coffee was so good, in fact, that other coffee shops began ordering their roasted coffee from us. And so began the wholesale side of the company. The growth of our wholesale accounts provided the need to move those accounts into a new building with a new roaster. The new Roaster is capable of roasting around 400 lbs. of coffee in 15-20 minutes. While the efficiency and magnitude of the new roaster (also a Diedrich) has increased ten-fold, our focus has always been on the quality and consistency of the roast as the quality of our coffee will never be compromised. Our goal is to make specialty coffee readily available for everyone. We would like nothing more than for people to know and love a truly great cup of coffee.

